All Turboair models are designed to work both in the duct-out version, where air is captured and expelled to the outside, or the recycling version,
where air is captured, purified through filters, and sent back into the kitchen environment. Both versions guarantee efficient cleansing of the
kitchen air, but differ in terms of installation and maintenance. The ductout version must be connected to the outside through a specific piping
system that carries all the captured air from the house. This requires piping with a sufficiently large diameter (at least 120 mm, though 150
mm is better). The piping must also not be too long or tortuous, otherwise the aerodynamic resistance of the passage can cause “power loss”,
that is cubic metres of lost airflow. Piping is not required in the recycling version, since the captured air is purified through the hood’s active carbon filters and then returned to the internal environment. In this version it is extremely important to observe correct maintenance of the odour filters, and also replace them when necessary.